Who We Are

Child Rights Connect (formerly known as the NGO Group for the CRC) is an independent, non-profit network of 84 national, regional and international organisations, networks and coalitions. Our membership covers almost every country on the planet.

We are one of the largest international networks for child rights. Our shared aim is to ensure that all children can fully enjoy their rights, which are defined by the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).
Based in Geneva, Switzerland, we have a unique working relationship with the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. We also have special ECOSOC consultative status at the United Nations, meaning that we are fully recognised to take part in United Nations deliberations. Since 1983, we have influenced major child rights developments such as the drafting of the UN treaties on child rights.
Child Rights Connect is registered as an association in Switzerland (defined under article 60 of the Swiss Civil Code).

How are we organised?

Our network has four main parts:
The General Assembly

    This is where our member organisations come together each year to approve the network’s plans and activities and elect people to various key roles:

  • Approving the strategies, plans and activity reports of the Executive Committee, the Secretariat and the thematic Working Groups
  • Approving the budget, auditor and audited accounts
  • Approving new members’ applications
  • Electing the Executive Committee and President of the network.

The Executive Committee

This committee has legal, policy and management responsibility for the network. It meets quarterly to provide the network with strategic direction and to supervise the work of the Secretariat and the thematic Working Groups. It is accountable to the General Assembly.
The Executive Committee currently has eight members all with strong experience in child rights:

The Secretariat

This multi-disciplinary team, which is based in Geneva, Switzerland, carries out the network’s day-to-day activities. It provides a solid and expert base for everything that the network undertakes.
Working Groups

Our member organisations form working groups under the umbrella of Child Rights Connect. The groups focus on particular themes, issues or processes related to child rights and are an opportunity for members to work together.
The six current Working Groups focus on:

Who can join us?

Membership of Child Rights Connect is open to any NGO, coalition of NGOs or child/youth-led organisation which has directly involvement, through its objectives and activities, with any aspect of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Find out more on our Become a member page.